Programming for babies

A baby-beginner’s guide to programming

Soren Blank
4 min readJan 21, 2022

Since you clicked on this means you have curiosity about programming. Maybe you heard about it somewhere maybe you saw some people doing cool things or maybe you are just curious or maybe you have nothing to do with your useless life. So let’s get the ball rolling!

Programming? Is that eatable?

Programming means actually “programming”. Feeling confused? right? Well, don’t be. It means to program something. Need elaboration? Yes! So, in today’s world, we are surrounded by digital devices ( example: phones, computers etc ) and the internet and new technologies and much more revolutionary and magical stuff.

Source: Spider-Man: No Way Home

The technologies we use can not actually do anything on their own. So how do they do stuff? How does the Tesla of Musk auto-drive? How does a plane fly automatically? How does your phone make a phone call via Whatsapp? How does the vending machine understand what you exactly need? How does even Google give you what you look for? How does your crush get your text on Messenger? Did you ever wonder? Now don’t tell me you think these happen automatically. They just do it all on their own. Or do you think these were made by the aliens that humans hired? Of course not. Then how do they work? How this google where you search how to stop hair falling from your bald head, Facebook and Instagram app of your phone where you waste your shitty life or the FreeFire where you shoot your enemies butt or WhatsApp using which you talk to your bae ( I am sorry if you are not married ) even work?

First of all we humans are very intelligent. So since we all know that computers only understand 0s and 1s that’s why it’s super hard to tell something to a computer just by typing 0s and 1s. To make all of this magical stuff like Google, Facebook, Robot, Auto driving cars, we give the computer’s instructions using some language which is called “programming language”. So we use a programming language to give instructions to computers which later on gets converted into machine code so that the computer can understand what we tell instruct them to do.

Now, in the real world, the way we have so many languages like English, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese etc., there are also a few programming languages like Python, C#, C, C++, JavaScript, Java, Go etc. Don’t worry you won’t have to learn all of them to become a programmer.

So, we use all of these to build different things. Unlike real-world languages, each programming language has its own power or powers ( kind of ). But that doesn’t mean other programming languages can not do the same thing. It’s like suppose you can climb up a tree so efficiently in 10 seconds and your friends also can but not as efficient and as quick as you are. So, you get the idea.

If you want to make websites then you have to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you want to make games then you have to learn C and C++. If you want to program robots or Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning models then you will need to learn Python. If you want to make mobile apps then you will need to learn Dart and so on. So if you really don’t know what you want to become or what you want to do by learning programming then I personally recommend you go with Python. Because Python is a versatile programming language. It can be used to make games, it can be used for automation or building games or for making websites and so on. So close your eyes and start with Python.

There are so many resources you will find on the internet and they are completely free. There are tutorials on YouTube, there are websites, apps and many more. Just pick any one you think is better or take suggestions from someone you know and just start with it.

Here are some of my recommended free resources:
1. FreeCodeCamp
2. W3Schools
3. Programming Hero (App) AlexPy Sponsor Me

There are more but I can’t do everything for you. GOOO! Rock and Roll.



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